To create your first seating plan, you must first create an event. Once the event has been created, go to the Seating plan section of the event.
1/ The working area
The working area is represented by a grid. This grid can be modified by the Configuration button. We advise you to put the actual dimensions of the reception room to ensure that all guests will fit well in the room.
2/ Add a table
To add a table to the work area, just click on the "Add a table" button. A popup opens where you can define the shape of the table and its dimensions, as well as the number of chairs to be added. We advise you to respect the real shapes and dimensions of the tables for more realism.
To add objects (such as a dance floor, a location for the DJ etc.) to your working area, you can add a table without a chair that can be used to represent any object.
3/ Table and chair options
The added table can be moved by dragging and dropping by clicking on the table. The same principle exists for chairs. By clicking on a table, you will have access to different options. You can do the same on a chair.
4/ Place a guest
Just click on a chair. A menu appears, then go to Seat a guest.
5/ Place guests automatically
After adding enough tables and chairs to accommodate all the guests, you will generate the table plan.
To make your life easier, we have implemented an algorithm for placing guests via the "Generate seating plan" button. You are redirected to a page to select criteria. By clicking on next, you can choose either to generate the table plan from the criteria only or to define affinity groups (Jane and John must be together, but Pat and Bob hate each other). Then just fill the affinities and generate the seating plan to finish.
The suggested solution is a good base to start refining your reflection from.